Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Upsilon Advisors
Alpha Upsilon
humble Leadership and Service:
The Alpha Upsilon advisors embody humility and service in every action they make. Our chapter members look up to these women for the way they live out the ZTA creed daily, "to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving." from flying in from out of state to visit us, or driving hours a week to stay committed and involved in our chapter we truly couldn't do it without them.
Kayla Gibeault
Province President:
"I love Zeta because of the people, experiences and fun. ZTA has enhanced my life in more ways than I could have imagined when I accepted the Pledge Pin so many years ago. The women I call friends are of all ages and from all over the country. I've been loved, empowered and challenged to be the best me by my sisters."
sara johnston
General Advisor:
"Zeta allowed me to gain leadership skills and meet so many sisters! I was able to have a safe landing if my leadership skills didn't work for something. I learned what worked for me with sisters supporting me along every step. I served as a National Officer and found so many sisters that I call friends. They are always there to support me. When I had my breast cancer surgery, my Tulsa Zeta sisters were there for me and my family. Being a new 60 year old, I can tell you Zeta is forever! I love Zeta!"
Kim kirksey
Pam davis
Recruitment Advisor:
"My college Zeta experience built an incredible lifelong group of friends. I treasure the memories from living in the house and the experiences we had as a loving set of sisters. I did not realize how impactful these women would be for years following college. I’m forever thankful to have the friendships from Zeta!"
Programs Council Advisor:
Beth keaney
Risk Reduction Advisor:
sarah johnston
New Member Advisor:
"Zeta means much more than just joining a group in college. It is a network of strong women that has supported me throughout college and after! Zeta has provided countless leadership opportunities that have guided me along my path. I am forever grateful for the many treasured friends that I get to call my sisters! Zeta truly is forever!"
michelle nisbett
Financial Advisor + Secretary Advisor:
"Zeta enhanced my college years and really molded me into a leader. But today, I count my Zeta sisters as one of many blessings! Zeta truly is forever if you get involved. Join an alumnae chapter or volunteer at a collegiate chapter - you won't be sorry! I love the fact that my Zeta sisters still include my friends that served as my bridesmaids when I got married; my daughter who is my Zeta sister; Zeta sisters much older than me that experienced the same rituals during very different times; and my Zeta sisters currently experiencing everything college has to offer! What's not to love???"
Fallon Griffin
Panhellenic Advisor:
Marla Robinson
Historian and Academic​Advisor: